Homo vs Pan

Today I'll be writing about a controversial topic, and that topic is related to calling the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes or Homo troglodytes.
I got to say, I was influenced by a book that I'm reading at the moment and that book is: The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimpanzee, from the writer Jared Diamond. This author in this book writes about the third chimpanzee which are the humans (with the regular chimpanzee and the pygmy chimpanzee  being the other two), more specifically he writes about how we became what we are in an evolutionary point of view and how we are gonna destroy our planet, the other races and even our race if we don't change the way we look at our surroundings.
Our genetic distance from the regular chimpanzees is just 1,6%. Let's just understand what this means, we are 98,4% chimpanzee and we say that we are superior because of that little percentage? Yes okay, this percentage changed things because it is due to our social, cultural development and even due to our posture. But even knowing that, just know that chimps are closer to us than they are to the gorillas or to any other ape for that matter.
All that I'm asking is for you to think about something that a lot of people defend that is to think what it would be like to call the chimps Homo Troglodytes and not Pan Troglodytes. Can you think about the difference that that would have? You would enter a zoo and see a chimp in really bad conditions or being mistreated. Or you would read about studies that have been done, using chimps as subjects, injecting them with something that will kill them, slowly, painfully and the enterprises saying that it is for the development of science and healthcare. How would you feel when you're son that learned in school that the chimps are called Homo Troglodytes and that humans are called Homo Sapiens Sapiens asked you why are this almost humans, so similar to us being treated and killed in this ways when we cannot do this to humans?
When does it change from scientific tests to murder?

Express your Emotions

Today I will be writing about, but mostly introducing Bioenergetics. Bioenergetics are positions and certain forms of breathing that help you express your repressed emotions.
I was first introduced to this therapy 3 months ago when I watched a video on Youtube from Elliott Hulse that is called Brain Slave NO MORE! (the link is at the end of the post). And this video at first made me laugh because Elliott is making all sorts of noises and funny faces, but then I noticed my ignorance because he was showing me a way to let these repressed emotions go, and that was exactly what he was doing, so I was laughing at a man that had the courage to expose himself and make himself vulnerable in a way that I couldn't, to help others.
This therapy works like this: you put yourself in a certain position breathing for example with your mouth wide open and with your tongue out (for some time, it isn't instantaneous). After some time this will make you experience all sorts of emotions that you had inside you and that you didn't know or want to come out. You may feel angry, sad, happy (this one is truly good because, yes people repress happiness)... But more important is to express those feelings entirely and fully (remember some of these emotions were building up inside you for a really long time), if you need to cry, cry; if you need to scream, scream; if you need to laugh your guts out, then do it. That's what this practice is about.
I try to do this every week since I saw the video (when no one is at home because this is embarrassing just with myself so I don't need people watching or hearing me). I think this is a good one to give a try, with this fast passed and stressed out society, 10 minutes could help you release that anger and stress that you have inside.
The link from the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHFYEQRnQew