Being a Vegan- 1st Week

I'm a vegetarian (completely vegetarian, I don't eat dairy products and eggs too) since this Monday and I wanna talk about my experience. and what I think were the pros and cons.
I turned vegetarian for the reasons that I addressed last post ( and I don't think it is or will be that hard to keep going, I have to reming myself why I do it!

The Pros:

  • I don't feel bad because I don't imagine the suffering of the animals being created for food;
  • I'm not contributing to the Animal Industry;
  • I'm saving water by not eating meat;
  • I ingest more fiber;
  • I have to get better at cooking to be able to cook vegetarian dishes;
  • I created a new blog to keep me going (
The Cons:
  • I have to take a B12 supplement;
  • My dad doesn't cook my food anymore for me so I have a bit more work;
  • It is a bit harder to go out with friends to eat;
  • There is less variety of foods;
  • People always question my decision;
  • People that are eating a omnivore diet sometimes look at you afraid of being judged;

So, has you see there are pros and cons and it is up to me or you to decide which ones are more important!

Factory Farming, the Environment and Vegetarianism

Factory farming and the animal industry, I'll be writing about it today, about the damage it causes to the animals, to the environment and to us. And why I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian.
People want to think that the meat that they buy came from an animal who lived and died without pain, but then why would exist the phrase: if we had to kill our own meat we would all be vegetarians.

Cows: Every cow is branded on the face and dehorned without anesthesia or painkillers.
Milking cows are kept chained indoors doing no exercise. They receive pesticides and antibiotics to increase milk productivity. Normally cows can live up to 20 years, but milking cows don't live more than 4, collapsing from exhaustion and their meat is used in «fast-food» restaurants. 
The captive bolt gun which was designed to put the animals unconscious without causing them pain fires a steel bolt right into the animals brain. After that the cattle is raised up upside down and their throats are cut, to bleed them because their blood is also used. A lot of times the animal doesn't get unconscious with the bolt, he just get immobilized, so when his throat is cut he feels all that pain and all that fluid going to his mouth, so he can chowk in his own blood. 
Oh and when do women give milk? After they had their babies. With cows it's the same and when their calf reaches a day of life they are taken from their mother and put indoors getting fed with a diet deficient in iron and low amounts of water. After 4 months of miserable existence they are slaughtered.

Pigs: There are «factories», that's how they call it, where the female pigs get pregnant (they are always pregnant) and give birth to lots's of baby pigs through artificial insemination.
They live in gestation crates where they have no rights to get light from the sun and to move freely. The ground in there is made of concrete with parallel holes, to where the shit goes, they are called waste pits and a lot of babies fall in there, and die drowned in filth.
When the pigs are born their tails are removed, their ears clipped, their teeth cut and they also are castrated without anesthesia or painkillers.
They are handled with electric prods and are often killed with another way of slaughter, electrocution. 

Poultry:The biggest companies often slaughter more that 8.5 million birds every week.
Every chicken is debeaked when they are born to prevent cannibalism from frustrated chickens. And they are kept indoors in buildings where can live anywhere from 60000 up to 90000 chickens.
For laying hens, they live in a laying warehouse inside battery cages. In this cages they live overcrowded, what prevents them from spreading their wings.
They are slaughtered in numerous ways but the most common is throat cutting followed by a dive in boiling water to make it easier to remove their feathers.

Seafood: We all know that the oceans are full of inconvenient wastes and the fishes ingest them, and we ingest the fishes, ingesting them also (for example: petroil).
They use advanced electronic equipment to track and find fish. That is followed by laying huge nets on the ocean swallowing everything in their path.
Or maybe you prefer aquaculture raised fishes that live in overcrowded spots where their days are half the duration of ours for them to grow bigger, faster.

Transport: The transport of all this animals is done in overloaded trucks or boats without protection from the weather (either freezing or burning temperatures), a lot of times without food or water, and the responsibles for them often treat them in a brute way, breaking their bones and bruising them. 
Millions of animals die during transportation.

The environment: Related to the environment there are a lot of aspects where this industry is destroying biodiversity and our planet in general.
First we have the waste. When animals are being produced by the billions and are being overfed they produce excessive amounts of waste and where does it all go a lot of times? To the oceans and rivers, polluting them and killing their wildlife. But that's not the only down side of this, it can also be prone to the creation of diseases (for example Pfiesteria which is a level 3 biohazard, Ebola is a 4).
Secondly we have the saving of water. Did you know that it takes 15000 liters for each kilo of beef? So now you see that all of your efforts of saving water go to waste by eating meat...

Health: Meat is high in fat which increases the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Most meat is also high in antibiotics and growth hormones which can promote cancer growth.

Most common arguments against veganism:
But if we all went vegetarian, there wouldn't be enough soil for agriculture in the world! That is not true because you need to remind yourself that animals eat too, and they also eat a lot of food derived from vegetable sources and they eat a lot more that we do. With the land not being used for animal production or crops for their feeding, the land could become a desert or return to it's natural state, helping to overcome global warming.

What about protein? You can't get enough protein from vegetable sources! Yes you can. There are multiple vegetable foods that provide you enough protein for you to live an healthy life. For example: lentils, beans, spinach, broccoli, tofu, sweet potato, among others.

Ok but what about our ancestors? We were used to eat meat for thousands of years! Yes we were used to eat meat, when we were hunters and gatherers but we didn't eat the quantities of meat we eat today. In their daily lives the Neanderthals were used to eat berries, fruits, roots, small animals some times and maybe 2 times a year, big game.

Yes, ok but what about vitamin B12, D and Calcium that we need from the milk to build strong bones? Relating vitamin B12, which is derived from the mud (our ancestors normally ingested it in the waters because they were not as clean as they are these days) you can find lot's of reinforced vegetable foods out there like milks from nuts. Vitamin D you can get enough with just 15 minutes of exposure from the sun or if you can't have that, use supplements. And finally, calcium can be found in green leafy vegetables like spinach.

Plants can feel pain too! Even if that is true, don't forget that a lot more vegetables are produced now with the animal industry than if we were all vegetarians.

But I like meat and I like to eat, plus vegetarian dishes taste bad! There is a big variety of vegetarian dishes out there that taste incredible, are cheap and healthy. I search on and I go to preferences and add the vegan diet and then all the recipes that will appear are vegan.

But, if after all I've said you still think you can't stop eating meat just please reduce the amount you consume and buy the ones with more quality.

So remember that this animals want to be able to move freely, be comfortable, to not fell pain, to not be hungry and to not feel despair, just like us!

Even after all that I've said there is still much to learn about the animal industry. You can start doing that if you're interested by watching this documentary (It will probably shock you if you dare to watch it all): 
This video is good for you to see that these are animals, not just steaks:

You can see by yourself the effect that all of us becoming vegan would have on the planet here:
What if the world went vegan?

And finally, you can monitorize your nutrients intake here (I've been using it for some time now and I don't see any problem in my diet).


Today I'll be writing about Aikido, a Japanese martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba.
I practice this art for 2 years and 2 months now, and I'm writing today about it because Monday I've done the 2nd Kyu exam and I passed.
This martial art is not about attacking, it's about inducing an attack from your opponent and using his energy against him in the form of projections (nage-waza) or pin down techniques (katame-waza).
But I'll keep this post brief. I will talk about the influence of Aikido in me and the influence of my life in my Aikido.
For me, the practice of Aikido is about expressing your emotions without using strength or hurting your training partner. That being said I don't mean that when you practice Aikido you always have to be calm because you don't, you practice Aikido because you like it and because it makes you more calm during and after the practice. So I really hate when people that are training with you are always telling you to be calm, to relax, and when you look at them you just see a bag of repressed emotions, at work, at home and even at Aikido practice. If you are angry, practice faster to let go that energy; if you are excited do the same; and if you are sad practice you're breathing and practice being a uke (the one that receives the techniques), this are examples of forms to cope with your emotions and still practice Aikido that I found from my experience.
To end this post I just want to say that Aikido made my life better because I love to practice it, I love to have an hobby that you can practice at least three times a week and I love the friendships that come with this practice so I totally recommend Aikido as an hobby if you like martial arts and want to expand the way you look at the world.
Most times using forcing an emotion will do you no good, you need to accept your emotions in harmony in order for it to pass.

Homo vs Pan

Today I'll be writing about a controversial topic, and that topic is related to calling the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes or Homo troglodytes.
I got to say, I was influenced by a book that I'm reading at the moment and that book is: The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimpanzee, from the writer Jared Diamond. This author in this book writes about the third chimpanzee which are the humans (with the regular chimpanzee and the pygmy chimpanzee  being the other two), more specifically he writes about how we became what we are in an evolutionary point of view and how we are gonna destroy our planet, the other races and even our race if we don't change the way we look at our surroundings.
Our genetic distance from the regular chimpanzees is just 1,6%. Let's just understand what this means, we are 98,4% chimpanzee and we say that we are superior because of that little percentage? Yes okay, this percentage changed things because it is due to our social, cultural development and even due to our posture. But even knowing that, just know that chimps are closer to us than they are to the gorillas or to any other ape for that matter.
All that I'm asking is for you to think about something that a lot of people defend that is to think what it would be like to call the chimps Homo Troglodytes and not Pan Troglodytes. Can you think about the difference that that would have? You would enter a zoo and see a chimp in really bad conditions or being mistreated. Or you would read about studies that have been done, using chimps as subjects, injecting them with something that will kill them, slowly, painfully and the enterprises saying that it is for the development of science and healthcare. How would you feel when you're son that learned in school that the chimps are called Homo Troglodytes and that humans are called Homo Sapiens Sapiens asked you why are this almost humans, so similar to us being treated and killed in this ways when we cannot do this to humans?
When does it change from scientific tests to murder?

Express your Emotions

Today I will be writing about, but mostly introducing Bioenergetics. Bioenergetics are positions and certain forms of breathing that help you express your repressed emotions.
I was first introduced to this therapy 3 months ago when I watched a video on Youtube from Elliott Hulse that is called Brain Slave NO MORE! (the link is at the end of the post). And this video at first made me laugh because Elliott is making all sorts of noises and funny faces, but then I noticed my ignorance because he was showing me a way to let these repressed emotions go, and that was exactly what he was doing, so I was laughing at a man that had the courage to expose himself and make himself vulnerable in a way that I couldn't, to help others.
This therapy works like this: you put yourself in a certain position breathing for example with your mouth wide open and with your tongue out (for some time, it isn't instantaneous). After some time this will make you experience all sorts of emotions that you had inside you and that you didn't know or want to come out. You may feel angry, sad, happy (this one is truly good because, yes people repress happiness)... But more important is to express those feelings entirely and fully (remember some of these emotions were building up inside you for a really long time), if you need to cry, cry; if you need to scream, scream; if you need to laugh your guts out, then do it. That's what this practice is about.
I try to do this every week since I saw the video (when no one is at home because this is embarrassing just with myself so I don't need people watching or hearing me). I think this is a good one to give a try, with this fast passed and stressed out society, 10 minutes could help you release that anger and stress that you have inside.
The link from the video:

Thank you Nature


In this post I will be writing about a habit that I have for about 6 months now and that is to thank nature for all the good things that happened in my day, to describe the ones that I see has bad and try to look them on a different perspective to understand what good came or will come out of them (most times I can't figure that out), and lastly I ask her to watch over the ones I love.
Now, this is my habit but when I say nature, that's how I see it, but if you are a christian you might thank Jesus Christ. I call it nature because that's something I really care about and that was always really important to me (nature, the elements and our senses) and it is easier for me, looking at the stars, to imagine a being that watches over us who is alive but not humanlike, that is everything: us, the stars, the trees, the animals, everything. And this being guides us through our path if we dare to listen. To listen what? To listen to our intuition because that is him too.
But I also wanna say that this belief, this faith ain't all sunshines and rainbows because there will be times when I ask myself: What the fuck is the meaning of this, what do you want me to do, what do I want to do and what it'll be for? And the shitty part is you will never get an instant answer, maybe if you don't give up you will see signs that may or not be an indication of an answer.
And to finish this post I want to say that I don't always thank nature because there is one night that I tell her to fuck herself and that night is the New Year's Eve at midnight. At that time I tell her to fuck herself for all the bad things that happened to me and that I didn't find an answer for, but I also understand that maybe I wasn't looking in the right way or maybe I shouldn't be trying to find answers.

Zen in Everyday Life


In this post I will talk about a book that is inspiring me and that book is: Zen in the Martial Arts, from the writer Joe Hyams. More specifically I will talk about a chapter within that book that is expanding my view the most and that chapter is: process not product.
On this chapter the writer is having tea with his Hapkidô master (master Han) and he tells him that he can never do things in a satisfactory way unless he is willing to give himself time. Hyams tells the master that he is patient, and master Han answers that he wasn't talking about patience because having patience is the capability of resisting calmly but giving yourself time is actively working toward a goal without establishing a limit to where you want to reach (Hyams, 1979).
This last sentence is really interesting because that is always something at least I do. I impose upon myself the idea that within a certain amount of time I'll have to reach objective X and if I don't reach it I feel like that time was wasted. And other times I do reach that goal but the result isn't much better also because I get that slight satisfaction and think that it is cool, I reached my goal but what follows is: either quitting because I didn't put more challenging goals; or this process repeats.
Joe Hyams proposes to eliminate the notion of deadline from our heads because doing that will make your body, mind and spirit lighter and more relaxed, therefore improving more in whatever you want to improve.
I don't share that thought entirely. On the one hand I agree that in things you will do in the "long run" you should do that, everyday work toward getting better, learning more but without setting yourself limits, just small goals that don't work as barriers but as boosters that help you break your limits. On the other hand I know that in today's society, in school or in our everyday jobs we have deadlines to accomplish and that if we don't, there will be consequences like when you don't deliver a paper in time, you get 0. Relating the later example I think we should define those same small goals everyday so that when the time to deliver that paper comes you will have it finished with much less stress than if you had it written the night before.
So, to conclude this post, we should give ourselves time to get better every single day and not try to reach a big goal in a very small period of time or you will not get much better and you will be really stressed. How? Putting small goals everyday that push us to stop limiting ourselves.